Spend Wisely

Enterprise grade spend management. For personal finances.

Actively managing expenses takes a backseat in the face of daily stress.

River's spend management tools work hard on your employees' behalf to put intelligent controls on spending. Help them keep more of what they earn.

Employees control their spend. Not the other way around.
AI-assisted budgeting

River analyzes historical spending and helps employees set budgets that are just right for them.

"Nudge Budgeting" to reduce spend over time

Some discretionary categories just creep over time. River helps cut those down so employees have more to save or invest.

"Active Control" to help stick to budgets

Lock spending in categories when budgeted limits are met. No more looking back and wondering.

Give your employees the most sophisticated spend management tool.

For free. Forever.

Give your employees something to boast about.

Reach out to see a demo